On the Maturation of Tom Sawyer in The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
Mark Twain is a great American writer in the nineteenth century. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is one of his masterpieces. It has exerted its magic to readers from generation to generation after the publishing of this novel. The novel is about the fascinating adventures of an American boy, Tom Sawyer. In his heroic and legendary adventures, we see a maturation story of Tom Sawyer, and moreover, we see the childhood of children of that generation and the social prevalence of that age. This essay mainly focuses on the maturation story of Tom Sawyer and those factors influencing his maturation. It will discuss from the three aspects: the reflection of the age, the maturation of Tom Sawyer, influences for Tom's maturation. Firstly this thesis expatiates on the reflection of the age from the three aspects: imagination, religion and superstition. On the basis of that, it continues to demonstrate the maturation of Tom Sawyer from the following four aspects: responsibility, love, attitude towards social custom and psychological reasons. Tom’s maturation and change come from various facets of influences, in which Aunt Polly’s instruction surely acts as a positive one. Although Tom has not fully grown up to an adult, he does well in his maturation and becomes a hero in the reader’s heart.
Key Words: Mark Twain; Tom Sawyer; maturation; reality; influence
摘 要
《汤姆索亚历险记》是19世纪美国杰出作家马克吐温的代表作。这部讲述1个美国男孩历险故事的小说感染了1代又1代的读者。书中的汤姆索亚经历了1次次不可思议的冒险,各个方面都在不断地成长,他从1个淘气的小男孩变成了全村人心目中的英雄。汤姆索亚的经历和成长故事是这1时代的典型,从中我们可以看到当时的整个社会环境和这1代人的童年。本文主要阐述了主人公汤姆索亚的成长经历,以及影响其成长的社会因素。本文将从汤姆所处的年代,汤姆的成长,以及汤姆成长所映射出来的影响等几方面来进行论述, 首先从想象,宗教以及迷信3个方面来阐述时代的影响。在此基础上,该文从责任,爱情,对待社会习惯的态度以及心理原因4个方面论证了汤姆的成长。汤姆的成长和改变来自各个方面的影响,其中值得肯定的是来自于波利姨妈的各方面的教导。尽管汤姆还没完全长大成人,但他已在他的成长道路上做的很好并且已成为读者心目中的英雄。
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