


【1】母亲节介绍 【5】母亲节常送礼物
【2】节日起源 【6】母亲节英语短信
【3】典故传说 【7】母亲节英语作文
【4】历史意义与影响 【8】母亲节颂母古诗

母亲节介绍(Mother's Day introduction):

Mother's Day, is a day to thank mothers. The modern Mother's Day originated in the United States, is the second Sunday in May every year. Mothers usually receive gifts on this day. Carnations are considered flowers dedicated to mothers, while the Chinese mother flower is daylily flower, also known as nepenthes.

母亲节(Mother's Day),是一个感谢母亲的节日。现代的母亲节起源于美国,是每年5月的第二个星期日。母亲们在这一天通常会收到礼物,康乃馨被视为献给母亲的花,而中国的母亲花是萱草花,又叫忘忧草。

节日起源(The origin of the festival):

Mother's Day originated in Greece. The ancient Greeks paid tribute to Hera, the mother of the gods in Greek mythology. In the middle of the 17th century, Mother's Day spread to the United Kingdom, the British lent the fourth Sunday as Mother's Day. On this day, children who have been away from home will come home with small gifts for their mothers.

The modern meaning of Mother's Day originated in the United States, started by Anna Jarvis from Philadelphia, the United States, the woman never married, no children. Na Jarvis was devastated by the tragic death of her mother on May 9, 1906. On the anniversary of her death the following year, Jarvis organized events to remember her and encouraged others to show their appreciation in a similar way.

Jarvis wrote to Andrews Methodist Episcopal Church in Grafton, West Virginia, asking for a special memorial service for her mother. Her mother had served the church's Sunday school for more than 20 years. In 1908, the church proclaimed the second Sunday in May, the anniversary of Jarvis's mother's death, as Mother's Day. Jarvis also organized a Mother's Day committee and began a massive campaign to make Mother's Day an official holiday.

Her appeal received an enthusiastic response. May 10, 1913, the United States Senate and the House of Representatives passed a resolution, signed by President Wilson announcement, decided that the second Sunday of May every year for Mother's Day. The move was followed around the world, and by the time Jarvis died in 1948, 43 countries had established a Mother's Day.





典故传说(Allusion legend):

营口望儿山的传说(The legend of Wanger Mountain in Yingkou)

Bayuquan, an ancient city of more than 2000 years old, lies in the southern plain of Liaoning Province. In the east of the city of Xiong Yue, in the green forest like the sea, there is a mountain with a lone peak. On the top of the hill there is a black brick pagoda, from a distance, like a loving mother, overlooking the distance, hope to return early, this mountain is called Wanger mountain.

Legend has it that a long time ago, the suburb of Xiong Yue was a beach. There was a poor family by the sea, with only a mother and a son, dependent on each other for survival. His mother worked so hard to support his son's education that he decided to repay his mother's kindness. Then my son went to Beijing by sea to take the exam. Many years passed with no sign of his son. Mother is very anxious, every day to the seaside overlooking. One year, two years, three years... The mother's hair is gray, but there is no sign of her son. Again and again the mother called to the sea, "My child, come back! Mother miss you, miss you..." The aged mother fell down and turned into a stone statue, and did not expect her son to return.

In fact, her son early on the way to Beijing to take the exam, unfortunately capsized and fell into the sea and died. God was moved by a great mother's love, where the mother stood, a mountain stood abruptly; The earth was touched by the great maternal love, let the mother shed tears, into a share of underground hot spring, moist numerous red apple; The villagers were moved by the great maternal love, the rise of the sole Xiu peak called "Wang son mountain", in the top of the mountain built a mother tower, at the foot of the mountain built a mother house, so that future generations to remember the mother's ordinary and great kindness.

With the development of Bayuquan, the people of Bayuquan still retain the old custom of respecting mother mother. Every year in May "Mother's Day" on this day, to carry out a variety of motherly activities. Many people are also in the mother hall for their own mother to erect a monument to express their reverence for the mother.






历史意义与影响(Historical significance and influence):


Festivals are the crystallization and carrier of national culture. A large part of cultural memory is the memory of festivals. Years later, many of the past is forgotten, but the festival scene is vividly remembered. At the same time, festivals have the characteristics of extensive coverage, continuous repetition, edutainment, and profound influence on people, so a major festival of human relations is crucial to the cultivation of national spirit and cohesion. The real mother's day should be tied in the heart, to understand the mother's love. We advocate mother's love, mother education on the Chinese Mother's Day; Advocate love mother, filial piety. Parents, on the other hand, give life to their children and have an instinctive and selfless affection for them. The establishment of the Chinese Mother's Day, is to let the world parents have a love to highlight, let people seriously recognized the holiday; Let the children of the world have a filial piety to be awakened, and exquisite expression of the festival.

Chinese traditional festivals are generally comprehensive and lack a single outstanding human relations theme, such as Mother's Day, Valentine's Day and so on. And modern society has the need to express human feelings. The traditional Chinese culture has gradually become self-conscious, confident and self-strengthening, but there is still a long way to go, and more people with vision are needed to jointly promote and make continuous efforts.

The Chinese nation has a long and splendid ethical civilization, attaches great importance to parent-child love and benevolence, and has bred many great and influential mother images. We should have our own Mother's Day, a Chinese Mother's Day full of the fine cultural connotation of the Chinese nation and national spirit, rather than foreign Mother's Day, this is the need for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Looking back the history of the Chinese nation, mencius mother ZhangShi is one of the most prominent Chinese XianMu image, after three years old father in mencius, she shoulder the responsibility of mencius. The story of "Mencius mother moving three times" and "breaking the machine to teach her son" has been passed down for more than two thousand years. From the external environment of children's growth to the internal rules of learning, she has paid attention to it and finally made the child become a great tool. She herself has become the mother model of educating children, known as "mother teaches one person", and it is still passed down as the Yi fan in modern times. To highlight the mother's great and great maternal love, inspire generations of mothers, as a son of man to inspire love, filial piety.

Having children is the beginning of motherhood, the mother's day for mother meng flag selected in mother meng mencius, on the day of because this day is it mother meng ZhangShi. Now some children only think of their own happiness on their birthday, and in the traditional virtue of the birthday should be grateful to the mother's kindness, so the birthday is called "mother hard day", or path called "mother hard". The birthday of Mencius was set as Mother's Day represented by the image of Mencius Mother, which means that when we celebrate our birthday, we should be grateful for mother's kindness and motherly love.





(二)社会影响(Social influence)

Filial piety, has always been an important part of traditional Chinese culture, is also a stable social cultural psychological basis of a country. Chinese filial piety, represented by the new "24 filial piety", has become the secret of happiness for Chinese families. Experts say the cultural value of filial piety in China needs to be re-examined in the context of the prevailing guilt culture in the West. As China enters a new era, the traditional filial piety culture needs to be further inherited and carried forward creatively.

"Economic support, life care and spiritual comfort are the basic contents of filial piety practiced by Chinese people since ancient times. Taking filial piety as the basis is a long-standing human ethic norm of the Chinese nation." For some foreigners, the word "filial piety" with Chinese characteristics is a novelty.

In China, parents want their children to live a better life, and children want their parents to live a happy life in their later years. Therefore, altruistic filial piety is mostly based on kinship and ethical mission, and does not expect anything in return. In Western culture, the corresponding terms of 'filial piety' include piety and gratitude, etc. This' Western filial piety 'is mostly based on market rules and the fulfillment of legal obligations' egoistic filial piety'."

"There are also differences between Chinese and Western family values." Since ancient times, Chinese people have attached great importance to family and blood relationship, taking family as the core to expand the layers outside, forming a close relationship based on human relations between family, family, society and country. Home, become the origin of people's spiritual home. Western culture emphasizes that individuals are the core, and the contractual relationship established between people is based on law. This relationship is loose, so the concept of family is not strong.





母亲节常送礼物(Gifts are often given on Mother's Day):


In May 1934, the United States issued the first commemorative stamp for Mother's Day. On the stamp, a kind mother, hands on her lap, looked happily at a bunch of bright and beautiful carnations in a vase in front of her. With the spread of stamps, the Mother's Day is associated with carnations in many people's minds, and carnations have become a symbol of maternal love flowers, respected by people. The flower presented to mothers in the world is the carnation. It has bright and beautiful flowers on its slender green stems. Its petals are compact and not easy to wither, and its leaves are slender and not easy to curl. Red carnations symbolize passion, justice, beauty and never give up, wish mother health and longevity; Pink carnation, wish mother young and beautiful forever; White carnations, a symbol of the children's pure love for their mother and sincere gratitude; Yellow flowers symbolize gratitude, thanks to the mother's hard work.



Hemerocallis has always been called "mother flower" in China. Breakwater grass means day lilies, and ancient people also called it nepad, back, north, which means mother's north house. Where can I get a day lily and plant it in front of my mother's hall to make her happy and forget her worries? Mother's house is also called hemerocallis, with day lilies instead of maternal love, such as Meng Jiao's poem: "Hemerocallis born hall, wandering children travel the horizon; There are no day lilies in front of the hall." Ye Mengde's poem cloud: "White hair day hall, children more common huai." Hemerocallis became the mother's name, day lily is also naturally become the mother flower in China.

Daylily flower, also called nepenthes. It is a perennial herb of liliaceae, rootstock fleshy, long and narrow leaves, slender branches at the top of the orange or orange flowers, very beautiful, very suitable for ornamental, its flower bud called golden needle, so it is also called golden needle bud. On Mother's Day, children send their mother a plant of nepenthes, blessing mother away from worries and sorrow, physical and mental pleasure, health and longevity.




Crystal symbolizes pure and selfless maternal love, as strong as maternal love and never abandon, as pure as maternal love, delicate as maternal love.


Amethyst, garnet: Suitable for noble temperament of the mother


Topaz, green crystal: Suitable for career mother


White crystal, powder crystal: suitable for gentle and intellectual mother


Smoke Crystal: Functional crystal for all mothers


花语(Language of flowers)

Carnation language: charm, true feelings, mother I love you, warm blessing, love you, do not ask the price of maternal love, family thoughts


Vanilla: represents the mother's moral noble, noble flower.


Forget-me-not: True love, eternal love.


Taiwan area to send a mother's love mainstream flower: lupine.


Lupine flower: A mother's love.


Day lily flower language: always love your mother, great maternal love, loving mother.


The main flower for visiting mothers: Lu Binghua.


The flower language and symbolic meaning of Lu Binghua: maternal love, hard work, dedication.


18 carnations and stars represent love for mother.


4 fire lilies +18 red carnations + yellow warblers represent happiness and well-being.


2 sticks of fire lily +18 sticks of carnations represent mother kindness forever.


Twenty pink carnations, green leaves, stone pines and stars represent eternal love.


93 carnations symbolize forever young.



母亲节英语短信(Mother's Day English text message):


The life most holy, the most beautiful and good, is mother.


Mom: I wish you longevity and health! Forever young! Happy every day!


You gave me life and tending to growth of the land, I deeply in love with you.


Dear wife, I remember her unborn child to you, wish you a happy holiday!


Is your guide me out of the first step, help me to find the way to future, thank you, mom!


Pick a bunch of beautiful flowers, pick a bunch of the morning sun. For you, my dear mother!


In this special day I wish my mother happy holidays! Say you were laborious!


The childs mother, today is mothers day, you also should take, let me help you look after a day walker?


Years can make the skin day is full of behing wrinkles, of you, in my mind is always young mother.


Mom, I was a highly care bird around you, today it take for you to a bouquet of fragrant flowers.


The childs mother, happy holidays! Get married for so many years, youve done so much, was laborious!


All the past will become kind of miss, never know the precious of all lost. I miss you take us through.


The numerous thoughts turns into heart to the infinite bless, silently pray for you, wish you healthy and happy!


There is only a mother good, no days, no, no you are not me, thank you bring me all of you. I wish you a happy mothers day!


Your love, I will never return; Your support to me over the years, is my positive spiritual prop. Mom, I love you.


My mother more time more like one of my bosom friends, feel good sweet happiness. Wish mother healthy and happy.


Wishes my thick; that must not turn My wishes is deep compounding; My good wishes to you - I am only the most close favorite mother!


After wind and rain baptism, may you always healthy and happy. I put into wishing you, with you for three hundred and sixty-five days.


You although already silver eg toil for a lifetime, but you in my heart is still so beautiful beautiful youth! Mom, I wish you happy forever young!


Great is mother ordinary is my kind mother is naughty is me, pay is mother of texting is my mobile phone fee. Ha ha, mom is great!


Mom, you are the perfect combination of mother, a confidant, and friends. Today is mothers day I want to say to you: "mom, I love you."


Mom, when having a meal every day, I always forget your pot of delicious soup, forget your kind smile! I wish you a happy mothers day!


Mom, you always in my heart the most soft, the most warm place, I would like to use my life to love you, I wish you a happy mothers day!


Mom: this ten years you were laborious! Hope on this special day I sent you my special greetings! I wish you longevity and health! Forever young! Happy every day!


Mom, your love is like a piece of sugar, wrapped in a nagging, hidden in scold, let me look for the west, east until I understand, didnt find it. I wish you a happy mothers day!


Mother is always my soul harbour, I wish my dear mother healthy and happy! Your love is the noble love, only to give, not ask for, not back always, dont beg for kindness.


A mothers love, a kind of unspeakable great, noble and respect; Mother, a kind of cant describe the professional, silent and forever; I wish my mother festival happiness, young, healthy forever!


Mothers day, love mama ah, call home! Love mama ah, nothing often go home! Love mama ah, talk with mom! Love mama ah, dont let mom CARES! Love mama ah, how filial piety mother!


You love I remember every minute per second; I always take your teachings, your kindness is my forever; I have already grown up, my love for you is deeper and deeper.


The years have will your youth burning, but your care and encouragement to walk with me life. Smooth the wrinkles on your forehead with my heart, use my mood infection black you head of white hair.


Dear mother: have you ever been in your strong arms hold up a piece of blue sky for me, now, I also want to use my growing plump wings keep out wind and rain for you. Mom, I love you forever!


Your kind words and I dont know to cherish, once youre not here with me, I didnt know that you are to me. Mom, I hope you adult dont record mean person, peace and happiness every day.


Today is mothers day. But, not only in the mothers day this genius to "special" to care about you, 365 days, every day is mothers day. I hope you can happy every day, day happiness!


Mom I thank you gave me life, is you taught me to be the truth, no matter how in the future, I love you forever! In this belongs to your festival, I wish you a happy holiday, happy forever!


Life is the happiest thing. Every movement, such as a beautiful poem in light recite; Every whistle, such as a cup of sweet water in the water. Happy mothers day arrived, wish mother happy.


Shy again also be brave to express, again busy also want to take time to go home, again far also want to pass a phone call, then also send text messages to a brief, again familiar also wish mom: happy mothers day!


Filial piety is very simple: a trip home, how to make a phone call, more patience to listen to nagging, more concern and understanding, more greetings mom. Mothers day, to say my mother a happy holiday.


There is a care meticulously, there is a kind of emotional selfless assistance, there is a kind of image as an angel, there is a guard persistent insist, that is mother! Mothers day arrived, mother: happy holidays!


See you at first sight, I was destined to stick on you, although you dozen I scold I ignore me, but I know you in the world the most painful I love I care about me!No other meaning, just want to say: mom, happy mothers day!


Best mom in the world, I am a mother of treasure; Playing since I was young, I give you add troubles; In order to I too good, the night stay up every day; Today early in the morning, table a filial piety to you; Only willing to serve you to the old.

41、Have around have, don't forget, have got, more to cherish, belong to their own, don't give up, have lost, leave as memories, want to get, must work hard. Happy Mother's Day!


42、The sky is broad, not as broad as the mother's love; The sun is warm, not as warm as mother's true feelings; Flowers are bright, not as bright as the mother's smile; Rainbow bright, not as happy as the mother bright. Mother's Day is coming, I wish your mother a happy holiday, happy every day!


43、Children have grown up, a mother's love never forget. Mother's Day, I wish my mother longevity and health!


44、Hey! It rains in the sky and flows underground. Hello! Wife, today is mother's Day, is your big holiday! At this moment, I want to send you thousands of wishes and greetings, this is the most valuable "poor"!


45、Mother, thousands of words in a bow, I wish a happy mother's Day!


46、Mom, today is your holiday, although I am not in your side, although I still let you worry about, but I will not let you down, happy Mother's Day!


47、Today's mother's Day, I use the heart of the paper folded into the most beautiful carnation, dedicated to your mother, I wish her happiness and peace! Thank her for raising you and making you an indispensable friend in my life.


48、There is a kind of love for nothing in return, when you succeed, she will quietly walk away. There is a kind of love, with your life, when you are tired, she always stretched out her arms, this is a mother's love. Mother's Day arrived, you bless the mother?


49、Have a beautiful name: mother. Have the most real feelings: feelings. There is the highest quality: filial piety. Now there is a best wishes: happy mother's Day! Dedicate it to your mother and wish her all the best!


50、Mom, thank you for giving me life, today belongs to your festival, do children wish you longevity and health mother: for so many years you have worked hard! I hope to send you my special greetings on this special day! I wish: happy mother's Day! Mom, I love you forever!


51、Touching the heartstrings of the years, bearing in mind the growth of the bit, grateful for the mother's hard work, unforgettable maternal love selfless. Mother's Day arrived, thousands of words into a heartfelt sentence: mom, I love you!


52、Mom, happy holidays! Beautiful words cannot express and describe your love and hard work for this family. I love you, daughter will do her best! I wish you health and longevity I wish all mothers a happy holiday!


53、For the great mother of heaven, in order to earth their ordinary mother, every man should be kind and respect women. Happy Mother's Day!


54、The wind carries my thoughts, the clouds pass my exhort, the sun focuses on my concerns, the rain string up my blessing. The weather is uncertain, the temperature is hot and cold ups and downs, Mother's Day approaching, I wish my mother a good mood every day!


55、A telephone, no matter how far away is close; A greeting, again cold weather is warm; A "thank you", no matter how tired is also happy. Mother's Day is coming, don't forget to say happy holidays to your mother!


56、With simple language to express the voice, with intimate care warm affection, with warm words to move the heartstrings, with sincere feelings to convey blessings. Mother's Day is coming, wish all mothers happy and healthy!


57、You are a wall of wind, for children wind and cold shelter; Mother's Day is coming, I wish my mother health forever!


58、Thousands of miles away, greetings such as sound of nature. Care in the heart, blessing like honey sweet. Thousands of miles away, a mother's love flowers often open. Wind and rain of life, a mother's love often carry. Mother's Day is coming, wish mother peace, health and happiness forever!


59、Mother's day thousands of miles try to ask peace? And send the missing away. Continuous love and care, thick affection and blessing. Mom, safe and happy holidays!


60、A mother's love deep like love, children how to express? Jewelry to send mother, beautiful and luxurious, shine with a mother's love, maternal love treasure, should cherish more, mother's Day pearl, color Mother's Day.


61、You live in a foreign country, someone in the care, you return home, someone brew hot tea, you lie in bed, someone shed tears, you smile, someone happy bloom. This person is our mother, mother's Day wish mother healthy and happy, peace and happiness!


62、There is a caring, there is a sincere and selfless emotion, there is an image comparable to an angel, there is a watchful persistence, that is the mother! Mother's Day arrived, mom: happy holidays!


63、In May, the sun is warm and bright, less than a mother's love light; Mother's Day is coming, wish you happy and healthy!


64、Stray clouds do rely on the sky, falling leaves have the earth as a destination, sailing ships have port to shore, colorful life given by the mother, soon to Mother's Day, don't forget to use Thanksgiving heart greeting mother oh!


65、My sky, is you to hold up; My life, is you to create; My future is also paved by you. Mother's Day is coming, mom, you have paid too much for me, I thank you!


66、You raise me, I accompany you to grow old. Companionship is the greatest gift. Wish all mothers a happy mother's Day, happiness!


67、Mother is the body of the quilt, no she will feel cold; Mother is the salt in the dish, without her life will lose the taste; Mother's Day is coming, pick a beautiful carnation, say words of love to mother, mother, I love you!


68、Mother's Day, I wish my mother good health, the more live the younger!


69、A mother's love is like a cup of sweet tea, we need to savor; A mother's love is a boat, carrying us from young to mature; That mother's love is a sea, gave us a happy harbor. Dear mother, happy mother's Day!


70、Mom, you worked hard, I wish you a happy mother's Day!


71、Year after year, ups and downs, day after day, day sunset, mother's love into my heart, in this holiday, send me sincere wishes, I wish mother a happy holiday, joy.


72、Send mother a peony, life peace; Send mother a rose, beautiful forever; Send mother a carnation, forever young; Send mother a lily, I wish a happy mother's Day!


73、Mother's Day can not be modified a rival, bring out the warmth behind forever, even if wordy always concerned, do not know how to cherish too guilty...... On this special day, mom, please allow me to say out loud: really love you!


74、Through the mountains and rivers, seen the ebb and flow, after the wind and rain, taste the sweet and bitter, always feel your embrace the most warm! No matter how far I go, my heart will always be sentimentally attached. Happy mother's day to my mother!


75、Your hands, for children to support a beautiful blue sky; Your eyes seek a field of hope for a child; Your heart, for the children to build a warm harbor. My dear mother, happy mother's Day!


76、Mother's Day, I pray: "health angel" grab your hand, "peace angel" holding your waist, "happiness angel" around you, "happy angel" to report every day. Bless you, dear mother, happy mother's Day, life peace, happiness forever!


77、Born me, you bear the pain; Raise me, you bear hardships; Nurture me, you bear the fatigue; Teach me, you bear hard work; Mother's Day is coming, with my filial piety, wish my mother happy, take my sincerity, wish my mother happy, I wish my mother a happy holiday.


78、Mother's Day to, thank you. A mother's love like a mountain, shelter from wind and rain. A mother's love is like water, indifferent distant. A mother's love is boundless, generation after generation. A mother's love is eternal, warm permanent. Bless mother, happiness and peace. Good fortune, good health and happiness.


79、Today is Mother's Day, again shy also want to brave expression, again simple also want to send flowers, again busy also want to take time to go home, again far also want to make a phone call, again familiar with also want to send a reminder. Mother's Day, don't forget.


80、Time does not go back, the river is down, flowers blossom and fall with nature, just like you are indispensable in my life, you gave me a beautiful life! I wish you and all mothers a happy holiday!


81、Mother's nagging: mother's nagging, like the weather forecast is old and new, warning you in advance; Mother's nagging, like hot spring straight bubbling, endless. I deeply wish mother a happy holiday!


82、You are a towering tree, for children shade shade. Mother's Day is coming, I wish my mother health forever!


83、A mother's love is like water, long flow; A mother's love is like a tree, Zhi umbrella care; A mother's love such as house, silently shelter; A mother's love is like a lamp, lighting up the future. Mother's Day, Thanksgiving maternal love, bless mother, happy and happy!


84、Mother's Day is coming, my message to fly to your mobile phone, out of a carnation, I wish you health and warmth; My blessing to hide in your heart, into a small meteor, wish you a long life and happy! Mom, happy holidays!


85、Never been a thief, but want to steal a happiness to you! Never pit people, but want to cheat a happy to you! Never hurt anyone, but want to turn a happy to you! Never rely on who, but want to rob a peace to you! Mom, happy Mother's Day!


86、Years dyed white hair, but do not take youth; Years have written down wrinkles, but do not take away the beauty; Years of growth of children, grow up is childlike innocence. Mother's day, mother's love is full of heart, I wish my mother forever young and beautiful!


87、Eat all over the world meal is the best, all over the world mother is the best, love mother life until the old, mother's holiday blessing early, a piece of filial piety to table, wish mother every day in a good mood, happiness and health no worries, I wish a happy Mother's day.


88、Mom, I wish you a little more happy, less trouble; More health, no more injuries; A little more happiness, I don't let you worry. Mother's Day comes, I just want to say to you: mom, hard! May you always be healthy, always happy, always beautiful and always happy!


89、A mother's love boundless love like the sea, no complaints or regrets lifelong dedication, regardless of return love deep like the sea, happy and happy children share, Mother's Day to blessing to send, happiness like the East China Sea longevity, peace, health and happiness, happy children wish for life.


90、The world is only good mother! Mom, I wish you a happy mother's Day! May the cheerful song haunt you all the time. May happy years be with you forever. Wish you a happy holiday!


91、Travel across the mountains and rivers, see the ebb and flow, after the wind and rain, taste the sweet, sour, bitter, always feel your embrace the most warm! No matter how far I go, my heart will always be nostalgic. Happy mother's day to my mother!


92、Mother's day, for you will comb the white hair, hope to retain the lost years; Mother's day, I wish mother happy peace.


93、No matter the side or the horizon, you always take me; Rich or poor, you always walk with me; Young or old, you always run for me; Whether insipid or brilliant, you always treat me the same; You're always there for me, in good times and in bad. Mother's Day is coming, dear mother, you have worked hard, wish you happiness, health, happiness and good luck!


94、 From the day I was born, to now I have everything, you give me, in the mother's day is coming, I want to say "hard you my dear mother"


95、Write a sentence of blessing, a sentence of blessing to a friend. Today I wish you Ming wish him, but how many friends do you have to give his wife, concerned about not only on Mother's Day, usually greetings more than all oh!


96、Use my heart to smooth the wrinkles on your forehead, with my love of black hair on your head. Mom, thank you for giving me life, in today's festival belongs to you, do children wish you longevity and health! Happy Mother's Day!


97、Mother's day pass blessing, wish mother health forever!


98、How much responsibility, pressure on the mother's shoulders; How much work, reflected in the mother's hands; How many tired, painted in the mother's eyebrow. Silently pay, no return, mother's Day is coming, I wish my mother health and happiness together.


99、On Mother's Day approaching, to your mother, I wish her happiness and peace!


100、I want to loudly announce to everyone: mom, I love you! Today is Mother's Day, I wish you a happy mother's Day!



母亲节英语作文 篇1

Today is a holiday for mothers, I want for my dearest mother combed a head.

I prepared a comb hair first, and then make mom has good braid down, gently, carefully to the mother again and again to comb to theends up. I learn to mother for I comb my hair looks at ordinary times after combing your hair, then reproduce bright hair with hair bands. But I found my mothers hair is all no longer black, shiny black hair, but there are several white hairs, I thought to myself, mother must be too tired, not only to work had to take care of me every day, sometimes also worry about my grades...

Looked at those white hair, my eyes flash tears. Heart yells: mom, I love you!




母亲节英语作文 篇2

Yesterday was Sunday. May 14th, Mother's Day. I got up early in the morning and went to the garden. I picked some beautiful flowers and gave them to my mother, saying "Happy Mother's Day".

She smiled and replied, "Thank you." My father bought her a beautiful skirt and a necklace. In the afternoon we went to see Beijing Opera together. In the evening we went to a restaurant in the city centre, we had a good meal that day, we had a good time.



母亲节英语作文 篇3

"Today is Mother's Day. What gift should I give my mother?" Just thinking. Mom's home from work. I poured a glass of water to my mother: "Mom you tired? Take a break and drink a glass of water." Mother was very happy to hear. "Xiu Xiu, you are so sensible." When I heard my mother's praise, my heart was sweeter than sugar."

My mother just wanted to put the water cup, I quickly took over to help my mother put the cup down, my mother to read the newspaper I helped her to take over. Knowing that she wanted to watch TV, I quickly turned on the TV, knowing that she wanted to change the channel, I quickly helped her change it. Dad smiled and said, "Xiuxiu, can you pour me a glass of water?" I quickly gave my father also poured a cup of water, my mother looked at the side also smiled happily, they all praise me today really sensible.

But I am not only a sensible boy today, I would like to be a good boy of mom and dad every day.




母亲节英语作文 篇4

Today is Mother's Day, I got up early, mom and dad are still sleeping, I want to help my mother do housework.

First I tidy up my room first, then I mop the floor of the room and the living room, and then the coffee table and the sofa to shine.

After the housework, I'm going to prepare a gift for my mother. What gift should I buy? Oh! By the way, my mother exercises before going to bed, jumping rope every day, rope is not strong, a little broken, I want to buy a new rope for my mother. Thinking of this, I immediately put on my shoes and went straight to the supermarket.

Back home, my mother just got up, is muttering about how clean today's home, I quickly went over, send gifts, and said: "Mom, I wish you a happy mother's Day!"

Mother took the gift, looked at the clean room, smiled and said: "Thank you, my son really grow up."






母亲节英语作文 篇5

Mother's Day arrived, originally I did not pay much attention to this holiday, but I did not think I should play the game about Mother's Day in a website actually cried, I seem to understand a lot: Mother spent her youth and blood in our body, when we were young, we always pester mother, now, we grow up, but began to abandon mother, we were wrong, mother when we were young so dedicated to take care of us, and now, we are big should know to return her, but on the contrary......

All the children in the world, do not make a mistake in the end, cherish the days with the mother, so that the mother is not in the time to know regret! Good love, good cherish love, good return love!



母亲节英语作文 篇6

The second Sunday in May is designated as World Mother's Day. This Sunday is every mother's day. On this special day, I will give my mother a massage, wash her feet, wash clothes and clean the room.

It's hard for my mother to finish a day's work. My mother came home, I would help her massage, then give her a foot wash, stick on her ear, say, mom, you are hard, I help you wash feet, wait for my mother to wash feet. I helped grandpa and dad cook, and grandma worked hard. When grandpa and dad cooked, I helped to fill the food and hold the chopsticks. Although not as delicious as Grandma's, but grandma and mother are very happy. Straight praise me: "Chen Chen grew up, became a sensible child."

It's Mother's Day. On this day to all the mothers say "you have worked hard", I wish them beautiful health!




母亲节英语作文 篇7

Today is Mother's Day, I sat at the desk thinking: "Give mother what gift?" Suddenly, I saw the watercolor pen, I had an idea: do a card to my mother, I think so. So, I found paper, scissors, double-sided tape, work. I cut the paper into the same two pieces, then, I use watercolor pen in one side of the greeting card to write the blessing words, and the other side decorated colorful, I do here, I picked up the card carefully looked at it again, I think the bad place after modification, just solemnly put the card to mother, mother saw this card, very like, also very surprised, What I like is the beautiful color of this card. To my surprise, I have already sent gifts, but now I still send gifts.

Today, I also for my mother to do a lot of things, buy breakfast, peeling mangoes, take things...... Today, I hope my mother can have a happy holiday.




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