


英语美文 1

The clock just struck two,the expiring taper rises and sinks in the socket,the watchman forgets the hour in slumber,the laborious and the happy are at rest,and nothing wakes but meditation,guilt,revelry,and despair.The drunkard once more fills the destroying bowl,the robber walks his midnight round,and the suicide lifts his guilty arm against his own sacred person.

Let me no longer waste the night over the page of antiquity,or the sallies of contemporary genius,but pursue the solitary walk where Vanity,ever changing,but a few hours past walked before me,where she kept up the pageant,and now,like a froward child,seems hushed with her own importunities.

What a gloom hangs all around! The dying lamp feebly emits a yellow gleam;no sound is heard but of the chiming clock,or the distant watchdog.All the bustle of human pride is forgotten.An hour like this may well display the emptiness of human vanity.

There will come a time when this temporary solitude may be made continual,and the city itself,like its inhabitants,fade away,and leave a desert in its room.

What cities,as great as this,have once triumphed in existence;had their victories as great,joy as just,and as unbounded;and,with short-sighted presumption,promised themselves immortality! Posterity can hardly trace the situation of some:the sorrowful traveler wanders over the awful ruins of others;and,as he beholds,he learns wisdom and feels the transience of every sublunary possession.

“ Here,” he cries,“stood their citadels,now grown over with weeds;there their senate house,but now the haunt of every noxious reptile;temples and theatres stood here,now only an undistinguished heap of ruin.They are fallen,for luxury and avarice first made them feeble.The rewards of the state were conferred on amusing,and not on useful members of society.Their riches and opulence invited the invaders,who,though at first repulsed,returned again,conquered by perseverance,and at last swept the defendants into undistinguished destruction.”

How few appear in those streets which but some few hours ago were crowded! and those who appear now no longer wear their daily mask,nor attempt to hide their lewdness or their misery.

But who are those who make the streets their couch,and find a short repose from wretchedness at the doors of the opulent?These are strangers,wanderers,and orphans,whose circumstances are too humble to expect redress,and whose distresses are too great even for pity.Their wretchedness excites rather horror than pity.Some are without the covering even of rags,and others emaciated with disease;the world has disclaimed them;society turns its back upon their distress,and has given them up to nakedness and hunger.These poor shivering females have once seen happier days,and been flattered into beauty.They have been prostituted to the gay luxurious villain,and are now turned out to meet the severity of winter.Perhaps,now lying at the doors of their betrayers,they sue to wretches whose hearts are insensible,or debauchees who may curse,but will not relieve them.

Why,why was I born a man,and yet see the sufferings of wretches I cannot relieve! Poor houseless creatures! The world will give you reproaches,but will not give you relief.The slightest misfortunes of the great,the most imaginary uneasiness of the rich,are aggravated with all the power of eloquence,and held up to engage our attention and sympathetic sorrow.The poor weep unheeded,persecuted by every subordinate species of tyranny;and every law which gives others security becomes an enemy to them.

Why was this heart of mine formed with so much sensibility,or why was not my fortune adapted to its impulse?Tenderness,without a capacity of relieving,only makes the man who feels it more wretched than the object which sues for assistance.Adieu.

Questions for Comprehension and Consideration:

1.How do you understand para.2 of the passage?What function do you think it serves?

2.Oliver Goldsmith states that cities promised themselves immortality but actually the decendants cannot find its brilliant trace.As the traveler wanders he learns wisdom and feels the transience of every sublunary possesion from what he sees.The following para.6,7 are his descriptive examples to proe his statement.Observe how the author develop his ideas.

3.Para.9 and 10 deliver the authors feeling and comment on what he observed.What do you get from these commentary paragraphs.

4.The title of the essay is “The Night in the City”.Do you think “the night” is a pun?Is there any symbolic meaning in the title?

英语美文 2

The newspaper may be entirely proper at breakfast time,but assuredly it is not reading for all day.So though bound up in a volume,the long letter which gives you so pleasant an account of the inns,the roads,and weather last year at such a place,or which tells you that amusing story,or gives you the real circumstances of such and such events,however valuable for occasional reference,may not be,in the real sense of the word,a "book" at all,nor,in the real sense,to be "read".

A book is essentially not a talked thing,but a written thing;and written,not with the view of mere communication,but of permanence.The book of talk is printed only because its author cannot speak to thousands of people at once;if he could,he would-the volume is mere multiplication of his voice.You cannot talk to your friend in India;if you could,you would;you write instead:that is mere conveyance of voice.But a book is written,not to multiply the voice merely,not to carry it merely,but to preserve it.

英语美文 3

An hour before sunrise in the city there is an air of cold.Solitary desolation about the noiseless streets,which we are accustomed to see thronged at other times by a busy,eager crowd,and over the quiet,closely shut buildings which throughout the day are warming with life.The drunken,the dissipated,and the criminal have disappeared;the more sober and orderly part of the population have not yet awakened to the labors of the day,and the stillness of death is over streets;its very hue seems to be imparted to them,cold and lifeless as they look in the gray,somber light of daybreak.A partially opened bedroom window here and there bespeaks the heat of the weather and the..

uneasy slumbers of its occupant;and the dim scanty flicker of a light through the blinds of yonder windows denotes the chamber of watching and sickness.Save for that sad light,the streets present no signs of life,nor the houses of habitation.(166 words)From Boz.

英语美文 4

Yet before the floating impress of the woods could clear itself,suddenly the gladsome light leaped over hill and valley,casting amber,blue,and purple,and a tint of rich red rose,according to the scene they lit on,and the curtain flung around;yet all alike dispelling fear and the coven hoof of darkness,all on the wings of hope advancing,and proclaiming,"God is here!" Then life and joy sprang reassured from every crouching hollow;every flower and bud and bird had a fluttering sense of them,and all the flashing of Gods gaze merged into soft beneficence.

So,perhaps,shall break upon us that eternal morning,when crag and chasm shall be no more,neither hill and valley,nor great unvintaged ocean;when glory shall not scare happiness,neither happiness envy glory;but all things shall arise,and shine in the light of the Fathers countenance,because itself is risen.(153 words)(305 words)

英语美文 5

Libra the Scales is a Spring constellation,and can be best viewed in the night sky during the month of May.

The Constellation Libra-The Scales

Mythology:Libra - The Scales

During the Golden Age,the legendary first period of human existence,Astraea,the Roman Goddess of justice,lived on the earth,mingling among the many mortal beings.In the pans of her great golden scales,she heavily weighed the good and evil deeds of men and women,thereby deciding their many different fates.As Astraea became increasingly offended by the wickedness of her citizens,she decided to flee from the corrupt civilization,and returned to the heavens,joining Demeter as the constellation of the Virgin Goddess.Astraea abandoned civilization so hurriedly that she left behind her golden scales of justice.The Romans,in fear of her judgment,created the constellation of Libra from the ancient Scorpion"s claws so that The Scales would always be nearby in the sky.

英语美文 6

If one realizes that our time on this earth is but a tiny fraction of that within the cosmos,then life calculation in years may not be as important as we think.Why measure life in heartbeats When life is so dependent on such an unreliable function as the beating f the heart,then it is fragile indeed.The only thing that one can depend upon with absolute certainty is death.I believe that death may be the most important part of life.

I believe that life is infinitesimally brief in relation to the immensity of eternity.I believe,because of my religious faith,that I shall "return to the Father" in an afterlife that is beyond description.I believe that though my life was short in years,it was full in experience,joy,love and accomplishment;that my own immortality will reside in the memories of my loved ones left behind,mother,brother,wife,children,dear friends.I believe that I will die with loved ones close by and,one hopes,achieve that great gift of God-death in peace,and with dignity.(184 words).

英语美文 7

An hour before sunrise in the city there is an air of cold.Solitary desolation about the noiseless streets,which we are accustomed to see thronged at other times by a busy,eager crowd,and over the quiet,closely shut buildings which throughout the day are warming with life.The drunken,the dissipated,and the criminal have disappeared;the more sober and orderly part of the population have not yet awakened to the labors of the day,and the stillness of death is over streets;

its very hue seems to be imparted to them,cold and lifeless as they look in the gray,somber light of daybreak.A partially opened bedroom window here and there bespeaks the heat of the weather and the uneasy slumbers of its occupant;and the dim scanty flicker of a light through the blinds of yonder windows denotes the chamber of watching and sickness.Save for that sad light,the streets present no signs of life,nor the houses of habitation.(166 words)From Boz.

英语美文 8

There are people in the world who love the bloom of the spring,some love summer in summer,some love the fruitful autumn,and I love the heavy snow in winter.

The window is still under a heavy snow drifting profusely and disorderly.I opened the door,the whole world is a vast expanse of whiteness,snow,as if into a fairy tale world,snow like flocks of elves,the earth covered with a drop from the clouds,coat.I stand in the snow,gently catch a snowflake,cool,and it has six petals,sparkling,gradually it is in my hand into water,my palms get wet.

Winter is the most happy snowman,class,my classmates and I play in the snow,I want an idea:"we have a snowball fight." My classmates disagreed.Later I made snowmen together.We worked in the division of labor.I was responsible for doing the snowball well.He was responsible for putting carrots,branches and straw hats in various parts of the snowman.

Ah! Beautiful winter,you like a picture can not be seen,not finished.

英语美文 9

My friend Debbie’s two daughters were in high school when she experienced severe flu-like symptoms.Debbie visited her family doctor,who told her the flu bug had passed her by.Instead,she had been touched by the “love bug” and was now pregnant.

The birth of Tommy,a healthy,beautiful son,was an event for celebration,and as time went by,it seemed as though every day brought another reason to celebrate the gift of Tommy’s life.He was sweet,thoughtful,fun-loving and a joy to be around.

One day when Tommy was about five years old,he and Debbie were driving to the neighborhood mall.As is the way with children,out of nowhere,Tommy asked,“Mom,how old were you when I was born?”

“Thirty-six,Tommy.Why?” Debbie asked,wondering what his little mind was contemplating.

“What a shame!” Tommy responded.

“What do you mean?” Debbie inquired,more than a little puzzled.Looking at her with love-filled eyes,Tommy said,“Just think of all those years we didn’t know each other.

英语美文 10

Where do you like to live,in the city or in the country?

Most cities are centers of economy,trade,transportation or culture.With the development of economy and society,more and more people have flooded into the cities,which make the scale of the cities larger and larger.Surely,it is very convenient for shopping,education,business and so on.But it also has many disadvantages:the large population makes it crowded in each corner of the city;the big factories,too many cars,buses and trucks pollute the clean air;too much noise can make people mad.To live in the city,one even can’t get enough room for living.

To live in the country is another thing.You can breathe the fresh air cheerfully,own a spacious house with a big backyard,and relax yourself in quietness.But when you want to go shopping,or take your child to school,perhaps you will complain about its inconvenient transportation,its remoteness…I am an ordinary person.I am always longing for the peaceful idyllic(田园诗般的) life of the countryside.

英语美文 11

I like the subtle fresh green budding from the branches of the tree -- the herald(先驱)of spring,ushering in(领进)the dawn...

I like the subtle flow of cloud that makes the sky seem even more vast,azure(蔚蓝的)and immense...

I like the subtle wind.In spring,it steals a kiss on my cheek;in autumn,it caresses my face;in summer,it brings in cool sweet smell;in winter,it carries a crisp chilliness(寒冷,严寒)...

I like the subtle taste of tea that last long after a sip.The subtle bitter is what it is meant to be...

I like the subtle friendship that does not hold people together.In stead,an occasional greeting spreads our longings far beyond...

I like the subtle longing for a friend,when I sink deeply in a couch,mind wandering in memories of the past...

Love should also be subtle,without enslaving(束缚)the ones fallen into her arms.Not a bit less nor a bit more...

Subtle friendship is true;subtle greetings are enough;subtle love is tender;subtle longing is deep;subtle wishes come from the bottom of your heart...

英语美文 12

There is a third consideration which will also tend to warn us against loss of time.Our life is a brief span measuring some sixty or seventy years in all,but nearly one half of this has to be spent in sleep;some years have to be spent over our meals;some over dressing and undressing;some in making journeys on land and voyages by sea;some in merry-making,either on our own account or for the sake of others;some in celebrating religious and social festivities;some in watching over the sick-beds of our nearest and dearest relatives.

Now if all these years were to be deducted from the tern over which our life extends we shall find about fifteen or twenty years at our disposal for active work.Whoever remembers this can never willingly waste a single moment of his life."It is astonishing" says Lord Chesterfield "that anyone can squander away in absolute idleness one single moment of that portion of time which is allotted to us in this world.Know the true value of time;snatch,seize,and enjoy every moment of it!"(187 words)

英语美文 13

When times become difficult(and you know they sometimes will),remember a moment in your life that was filled with joy and happiness.Remember how it made you feel,and you will have the strength you need to get through any trial.When life throws you one more obstacle than you think you can handle,remember something you achieved through perseverance and by struggling to the end.

In doing so,youll find you have the ability to overcome each obstacle brought your way.When you find yourself drained and depleted of energy,remember to find a place of sanctuary and rest.Take the neccessary time in your own life to dream your dreams and renew your energy,so youll be ready to face each new day.When you feel tension building,find something fun to do.

Youll find that the stress you feel will dissipate and your thoughts will become clearer.When youre faced with so many negative and draining situations,realize how minuscule problems will seem when you view your life as a whole--and remember the positive things.

英语美文 14

Friday-the Thirteenth has long been considered extremely unlucky because it has some bad associations which came from mythology,tale of the Bible,and the customs and habits.According to the Bible,the Lord God created the first man,Adam.Then he took a rib from Adams body and out of it created the first woman,Eve.It was said that Adam was created on a Friday and it was on Friday that Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit,and on a Friday they died.

Friday was also the common day in England for executing criminals ,for which it was sometimes known as Hanging Day.

From the old Norse myth people got the idea that 13 people sitting at a table to have a dinner was unlucky.And this superstition was confirmed by the last supper of Christ and his disciples.Bible tells us that Christ sat down with his 12 disciples,which made up the number 13,at the last supper when Judas,one of the 12 disciples ,sold his master for thirty pieces of silver.Christ was killed by nailing on the cross the following day on a Friday.

英语美文 15

Perhaps it is the dream of everyone to be a good student at school,but quite a few students feel at a loss on how to make it.In my opinion,it is rather easy if you can act on the following points.

First of all,make full use of your time and work hard.Don’t put off till tomorrow what should be done today,as time past will never come back.The fast developing society requires adequate knowledge,which presses us to spare no efforts to study.Of course,your hard work will be rewarded one day.

Secondly,use your own head and present your point of view.Credulous(轻信的)attitude will only make you take anything for granted.With your own judgment you will be able to tell right from wrong and set up your own theory.

Thirdly,set aside enough time for relaxation,entertainment,etc.don’t ignore the harm of all work and no play.Proper sports will build up your body and improve the efficiency of your studying.

To be a good student is easier said than done,for it needs a student’s consistent efforts.But nothing is difficult to a man if he puts his heart into it.

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